Sunday, October 27, 2013

the tiny life saver that
is called a space heater
whores its stores of
attractive energy in
front of my toes,
and just as I hoard
its offering
with a blanket,
it shouts
do not cover
but whispers
do not be coy.


Wednesday, October 9, 2013


one day I caught a virgin leaf
that sidled into my hand
like a sheet of gold and
wondered why me?
the rest could be free
instead of causing grief

I'll turn them upside down
in raked piles to image
new boughs across the horizon
and make the center my home
where instead; hands stand and
toes curl into sky roots.

the playground is my classroom
full of falling kids and flashes
of symmetry which somersault
across tessellating arms.
all the proofs I need are cracked smiles
and a breath of fresh air.


Thursday, October 3, 2013


catalpa beans dangle around me
like a head scratcher on standby.
brown and shriveled though they are,
the shells contain invested interests:
little bombs wait to drop on itchy
scalps offering release from
escalating awareness.