Tuesday, March 8, 2011

sunny days hooray!

the weather has been phenomenal! the sun is shining and it's decently warm.
it's getting my soul ready for the summer.
I think about lake Michigan and the dunes, of Mackinac Island, of Tasty Treat, and of campouts with bon-fires.
As I walk to and fro between my abode and the Greenbean, I listen to my ipod (everyone does out here)
and today I was listening to one of my favorite musical groups, Vampire Weekend. They are so upbeat and creative and awesome and they make me think of the word nautical.
this past Sunday, I went to Roots church where Simon Cunningham pastors. I met a girl whose nickname is Spiro. Last night we hung out and she took me on a driving tour through some parts of Seattle. I had my first fish and chips (pretty de-lish) at Spud's and then we had a second dinner by preparing salmon in her apartment.
I invite you at this time to take a look on the right side of my blog and read my dislikes section.
As you will notice, seafood is highlighted as one of my dislikes. As of last night... i quite enjoy it.
Not all seafood however, I don't like prawn or shrimp.

At the Greenbean I will be doing some artsy projects as part of my internship.
Today I started a project.
I am in the process of painting a chess/checkerboard on a table for the Greenbean. I was inspired by this during my time with the Vanderwerf's when Jake and I went to a cafe and played checkers on the table with chess pieces.

Jumping back to Sunday night again....After church a small group of us walked to Saint Marks Cathedral (an episcopalian church) for the Compline choir. It's a group of men/priests? who sing prayers and such.
Acapella. The place was packed full of people wanting to hear. People were strewn everywhere! Sitting in the pews, laying down with pillows and blankets (we did that) or just finding anyplace to sit against the walls. the voices of the men and their harmonies were melt-and-give-you-goosebumps-beautiful.
Spiro mentioned that her atheist friends even go just because of the beauty of it all. Beauty is such a universal concept and can really bring people together. Great, eh?
Seattle is awesome.


  1. Yay table chess! Good idea! And good times ;)

    That choir thing sounds amazing! I am slightly jealous.

  2. i heard about that choir on the radio!

    that sounds awesome maddie,
    i'm glad you like fish now!
