For a class the other day, we watched this documentary.
Videos of it are really hard to find, so maybe Netflix?
It's about a group of mentally handicapped people that engage the public with simple questions like, "Where are you from?" or "What's your name?"
The catch? The group sets out in an RV from New Jersey to California with only the aid of some cameramen.
I was smiling for probably 80% of the film.
The more I think about it, the more I love this film. What an incredible opportunity for these people, and why not? They had the time of their lives.
I was inspired to extract more out of life.
I had a conversation this very night about the fastness and progression of life. Are we even enjoying it?
Seriously though, what are we doing?
I've been tempted lately to get an iPhone. Please don't let me buy one!
iPhone saves.